London Road is currently open.

Alexandra Road is currently open.

We have started to use e-mail for contacting our patients. Please provide us with an up-to-date e-mail address. if you have the NHS app you can update yuout e-mail address via the app.


Our health care professionals see a lot of patients with conditions that could be managed without consulting a clinician. Often, patients come to us because of a lack of knowledge of how to manage these conditions. They would not see a clinician if they knew how to manage these conditions.

Some common minor ailments are:

Self-care is the best choice to treat the above and many more such conditions. Self-care is also good for minor injuries. A large range of common illnesses and injuries can be treated at home simply with over-the-counter medicines and plenty of rest.

Just imagine, how much more appointments can you help create for people, who really need to see a health care professional, by self-caring for minor illnesses and injuries!

Please visit the following website and search for the minor condition that you need information on:


There is another very good website that you can use to get very reliable information on how to manage these minor illnesses and injuries:


You can also ask your local pharmacist for advice if you are struggling to manage your minor illness yourself.

Please note that if you have any red flag symptoms for more than two weeks, you must book a GP appointment. Some of these symptoms are:

  • A headache that is not responding to simple pain killers and is associated with nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light, neck stiffness, is worse on bending forward, or feels like a thunderclap headache, especially in the back of the head.
  • Any change in voice.
  • Any problem with swallowing.
  • Any cough with blood in the phlegm.
  • Feeling of food sticking in the food pipe.
  • Indigestion that is not responding to over-the-counter remedies.
  • Any change in bowel habit.
  • Any blood from the back passage.
  • Any unintentional weight loss.


Need Emergency Medical Care?
Call 999 Immediately

Signs of a heart attack, stroke, severe difficulty in breathing, heavy bleeding, severe injuries, seizure (fit) etc. require Emergency Medical Care.