London Road is currently open.

Alexandra Road is currently open.

We have started to use e-mail for contacting our patients. Please provide us with an up-to-date e-mail address. if you have the NHS app you can update yuout e-mail address via the app.

Upload Reports

  • Please upload reports from non-NHS services based in the UK and outside UK. Examples include:

    • Immunisation records
    • Health check reports
    • Medical reports
    • Discharge summaries
    • Readings (BP, pulse, weight, oxygen saturation, etc.)
    • Blood test results
    • Radiology reports
    • Physiological test results / scores (Echocardiogram, spirometry, FeNO, doppler study, sleep study, Epworth sleepiness scale, Audit-C, etc.)

  • Are you a Patient or a healthcare professional?

Need Emergency Medical Care?
Call 999 Immediately

Signs of a heart attack, stroke, severe difficulty in breathing, heavy bleeding, severe injuries, seizure (fit) etc. require Emergency Medical Care.