London Road is currently open.

Alexandra Road is currently open.

We are pleased to share that we now have a Surgery Pod where you can pop in to check your blood pressure, weight and height without booking an appointment and the results will be entered directly on to your medical record. Click here to know more.

Surgery Pod

14 Dec 2024

We are pleased to share that we now have a Surgery Pod where you can pop in to check your blood pressure, weight and height without booking an appointment and the results will be entered directly on to your medical record. If you would like to keep an eye on your health, or been asked by a clinician to provide a reading, please make use of this new service which is based at our waiting area in our new premises at 2-4, Alexandra Road, Reading, RG1 5PE.

Health minister visits Reading GP team

30 Oct 2024

Melrose Surgery hosted a visit by health minister Stephen Kinnock MP. Mr Kinnock was at the practice ahead of this week’s launch of the nation-wide public engagement about the Government's 10 year plan for health services.

The minister spent time with GP senior partner Dr Nadeem Ahmed, BOB ICB chief strategy and partnerships officer Hannah Iqbal, practice manager Beverly Manton and other members of the team who showcased the innovative work they are doing in the community to improve health and wellbeing. Read More


12 Oct 2024

From Monday 14th October we are moving to a triage system. All patients will be asked to complete an online form via our website. The tab is on the front page of our website, and is called "Accurx - The Easiest Way to Consult." It is not a very long form.
This will be the quickest way to see a doctor or a member of the clinical team.
Nurse appointments will be booked as normal.
Once your form has been submitted, it goes to a team of people who will triage your form. You will receive a response back from us by 17:00 the same day. This could be either a phone call or a text message.
There are some patients that will still be able to book an appointment, but there will be criteria for this.
We ask that you be patient with us, as this will be new to us all.
Thank you for your co-operation.

Community Wellness Outreach Project

07 Sep 2024

We are working with the Berkshire West Primary Care Alliance as part of a Community Wellness Outreach Project to increase NHS health checks, we are using third party providers who will have access to aspects of patient data only where this would be relevant. All parties have completed a Data Protection Impact Assessments. If you have any questions, please get in touch with – RVA at 0118 3048841

Trial of a new Triage system

05 Sep 2024

Melrose Surgery will be trialling a new Triage system on MONDAY, 9TH SEPTEMBER 2024.
We will be asking all patients to complete an online form via our website. The tab is on the front page of the website and is called “Accurx – The easiest way to consult”. It is not a very long form. Once submitted it will go to a team of people to be triaged and you will receive a response by 5.00 p.m. the same day, this could be a text message or a phone call.
There are some patients that will still be able to have an appointment booked but there is some criteria that you will need to meet.
We ask you to be patient with us as this is going to be new to us all.
Thank you for your co-operation.

RSV Vaccinations

30 Aug 2024

From 1st of September 2024 the surgery will be offering RSV vaccines to eligible patients.
You’ll be able to get the vaccine if:
you’re aged 75 to 79.
you’re between 28 and 36 weeks pregnant – this will help protect your baby for the first few months after they’re born
If you’re aged 75 to 79, we will contact you about getting vaccinated. Please wait to be contacted.
Click here for more information about the Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) – NHS

Grand opening of the new Melrose Surgery premises

30 Aug 2024

Mayor Glenn Dennis attended the grand opening of the new Melrose Surgery premises. Click here to know more.

Our New Way Of Working

03 May 2024

We are changing the way we work. This is in response to the feedback we have been receiving from you, of late. We appreciate you have found it difficult to get through our phone lines, and to get appointments that you need to have your health issues addressed, timely.
To read about our new way of working, please click on the button below:

Eldon Road Surgery Relocation

30 May 2024

Eldon Road Surgery is relocating to new Premises at 2-4 Alexandra Road, Reading, RG1 5PE from the 5th August 2024. Eldon Road Surgery will cease to operate from Thursday 25th July 2024. We will continue to have Melrose Surgery at 73 London Road. Please clarify where your appointment is at the time of booking. We hope that this move will help us to serve you better.

Spring Covid Vaccination

15 May 2024

All patients over the age of 75 are eligible for a Spring Covid Vaccination. You will have recieved a text message with a link to book an appointment. If you no longer have the link and would like to book an appointment for your Spring Covid Vaccination, please call the surgery.

Diabetes Review

17 Apr 2024

Coming in for a diabetes review?
We need your weeee..
Please bring a urine sample or come with a full bladder as your checks aren’t complete without a urine sample being sent off for checking your kidneys! An early morning Urine sample is ideal but any wee will do.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a potential complication of diabetes and screening for kidney disease is a routine part of your diabetes care. Why a Urine Test: One of the early signs of kidney damage is when the body leaks abnormal amounts of protein in the urine (microalbuminuria). A simple urine test known as ACR (Albumin creatinine ratio) can detect this and it’s important we pick it up early as there are medications available to slow the progress of the disease and needing dialysis in the future.

Type 2 Diabetes

17 Apr 2024

Type 2 diabetes causes the level of sugar in the blood to become too high. It’s a long-term condition that can affect your everyday life.

Know More

Pregnancy and Diabetes

17 Apr 2024

Planning a healthy pregnancy when you live with type 2 diabetes will help lower the risk of complications to you and your baby.

Know More

New Website

15 Mar 2024

This is our new website. It is still in the stage of development. Please bear with us. We are trying to tailor it keeping our patients’ cohort and needs in mind and make it easy to use. It should help you do a lot of things independently.

New Premises

05 Feb 2024

Melrose Surgery has acquired a new building on Alexandra Road, a 5-10-minute walk from the existing site, to improve capacity and access. This building will add 12 more consulting rooms. The hope is that the new site will become operational from the 1st of August 2024. At the same time, the Eldon Road Branch, which is no longer fit for purpose, will seize to offer services. We are excited about the new site and hope it will not just improve patient experience but will allow us to offer more services to our patients.
If you want to leave any feedback, please click on the button below:

Group Consultation

30 Jan 2024

We organised a group consultation for patients suffering from menopausal symptoms (Hot flushes, night sweats, disturbed sleep, mood swings, lack of sex drive, vaginal dryness, etc.) on the 29th of January 2024. It was very well received. We had 23 participants, who were offered an educational session, a dietician session, and a yoga session. They were also given an insight into research. We received very positive feedback from the participants and, since the event, one fourth of the participations made an informed choice to go on hormone replacement therapy.
We look forward to organising many more group consultations, not just for menopause, but for many more conditions like diabetes, COPD, heart failure, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, etc. and to your participation in these group consultations.

Need Emergency Medical Care?
Call 999 Immediately

Signs of a heart attack, stroke, severe difficulty in breathing, heavy bleeding, severe injuries, seizure (fit) etc. require Emergency Medical Care.