London Road is currently open.

Alexandra Road is currently open.

We have started to use e-mail for contacting our patients. Please provide us with an up-to-date e-mail address. if you have the NHS app you can update yuout e-mail address via the app.

Contact Us


London Road Branch

0118 959 5200

(8 am – 6:30 pm, Mon – Fri, except Bank Holidays)

73 London Road, Reading


Alexandra Road Branch

0118 939 1919

(8 am – 6:30 pm, Mon – Fri, except Bank Holidays)

2-4 Alexandra Road, Reading


(Not for use by patients for any clinical query and appointments.)

Suggested for health care professionals in hospitals and community to send confidential information related to patients registered at Melrose Surgery. Patients registered at surgery, please contact us using online consult or any of the forms on the website as necessary.

Need Emergency Medical Care?
Call 999 Immediately

Signs of a heart attack, stroke, severe difficulty in breathing, heavy bleeding, severe injuries, seizure (fit) etc. require Emergency Medical Care.