London Road is currently closed.

Eldon Road is currently closed.

Eldon Road Surgery is relocating to new Premises at 2-4 Alexandra Road, Reading, RG1 5PE from the 5th August 2024. Eldon Road Surgery will cease to operate from Thursday 25th July 2024. We will continue to have Melrose Surgery at 73 London Road. Please clarify where your appointment is at the time of booking. We hope that this move will help us to serve you better.

Ask A Question

  • You can ask a non-clinical question by completing and submitting the form below.

  • You should not use this form to request an appointment or ask a clinical question. Such requests will be rejected without informing you.

  • Please give us 72 hours to process your request, unless it is an urgent matter, in which case you must explain why it is urgent.

  • We will respond to you using one of the following means:

    • Text message
    • Telephone call
    • E-mail

Need Emergency Medical Care?
Call 999 Immediately

Signs of a heart attack, stroke, severe difficulty in breathing, heavy bleeding, severe injuries, seizure (fit) etc. require Emergency Medical Care.