London Road is currently open.

Alexandra Road is currently open.

We have started to use e-mail for contacting our patients. Please provide us with an up-to-date e-mail address. if you have the NHS app you can update yuout e-mail address via the app.

Book Appointment


Discover the variety of appointment booking options available for our patients. Click on an option to learn more!


This is by far the easiest and quickest way to get in touch with the surgery for an appointment or to have your clinical or administrative query met. All you need to do is to complete a 4-question form and submit it with a click of a button. It will take you 5 minutes to complete the form. The form is triaged by a clinician and based on your query, one of the following will happen:

  • You will get advice via a text response or an email.
  • You will be given an appointment with a pharmacist near you.
  • You will be called by a healthcare professional (Telephone consultation).
  • You will be booked a face-to-face appointment.
  • You will get a home visit.

We will ensure that you get a response within 24-hours and are offered the most appropriate service for your problem.

For an online consultation, please click on the button below to complete the form:

Accurx Patient Triage

Note: Please be advised that we can only process one Accurx medical request per patient per day. To help us address your concerns as efficiently as possible, we kindly ask that you contact us as issues arise rather than grouping them together. Additionally, please avoid submitting unrelated issues in a single medical request, as this may prevent the clinician from giving each concern the necessary attention. Thank you for your understanding.



We can book you an appointment with a pharmacist near you, for certain minor ailments. They will manage you the same way as a GP or another clinician in the surgery will manage you. If they are not able to manage you, they will ask us to see you, which we will do.

When you speak to a receptionist in the surgery, they might offer you this service, if appropriate. You can also complete the ONLINE CONSULTATION FORM, requesting an appointment with a pharmacist near you, and we will arrange it for you and inform you.

You can also walk into a pharmacy and be asked to be seen, without getting in touch with us. More than 90% of the local pharmacies are registered to offer this service, so it is very likely that your nearest pharmacy is one of them.

Please click on the link below to know more about this service, and to find out the nearest pharmacy to you.

How pharmacies can help - NHS (


You should ask yourself the question – “Do I or will I need a physical examination for the problem for which I am seeking an appointment?” If the answer is a NO, and if you think an online appointment or seeing a pharmacist is inappropriate in your case, then you should ask for a telephone consultation. In this case, a clinician will call you and try to address your problem. If they feel they must see you, they will give you a face-to-face appointment, for as early as deemed necessary.

Usually, a clinician will call you within two hours of your appointment time. If they miss you, they will try a second time, after some time. Some clinicians might also send you a text message, with the provision to respond, if they miss you.

Telephone consultations can also be converted into video consultations, if deemed necessary by the clinician.

People find this way of consulting very convenient and effective.



If you have a complex problem or where you think you need to show something to the clinician or might need an examination, ask for a face-to-face appointment. You must explain to the receptionist why you need a face-to-face appointment. You will be booked with a clinician of choice, but if no appointment is available with them, then with another appropriate clinician. The appointment could be on the same day or a future date, depending on the acuteness of the problem.


Home visit is offered to only those patients who are genuinely housebound and need to be seen. It is also offered to patients who are temporarily housebound because of a medical reason. Every patient, who can go out, even if with support, will be expected to come to the surgery, to be seen, if they need to be seen face-to-face.

Most of the home visits are done by a practice-based paramedic.



We also offer same-day and post-dated appointments in the NHS App. These appointments are mainly for the future, for things like blood tests, NHS health check, nurse appointments for review of long-term conditions, etc.

Melrose Surgery encourages and promotes the use of the NHS App not just to book and manage appointments, but also to order medicines, nominate a pharmacy, check your test results and medical records, etc. It has many other functionalities and we recommend it as a MUST HAVE.


If you have an acute illness, we might book you same day face-to-face appointment at the Urgent Care Centre, which is in the Town Centre.

Location: 1st Floor, 103-105 Broad Street Mall, Reading RG1 7QA


Need Emergency Medical Care?
Call 999 Immediately

Signs of a heart attack, stroke, severe difficulty in breathing, heavy bleeding, severe injuries, seizure (fit) etc. require Emergency Medical Care.